Earthquake Brings Dutch Tourists to Armenia

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The  trails of the devastating earthquake of 1988 in the north of Armenia still can be felt in 2015. 27 years have passed and there remain families who do not live in a proper home or face the mental and physical impacts of the disaster till today. This natural disaster is considered to be one of the deadliest in Armenia killing an estimated 25.000 people and leaving 500.000 Armenian homeless. The main reason for having so many casualties were the poorly constructed apartments from the Soviet Era. One by one all the Soviet flats collapsed like playing card constructions limiting the chance of any survival for the inhabitants. Despite the tension of the Cold War and Armenia, as a Soviet republic, being firmly hidden behind the iron Curtain in that period of time, a so-called miracle happened. Since World War II it was the first time that the Soviet government asked for help and relief to Europe and USA. Soon help came from all over the world. One hundred and thirteen countries sent substantial amounts of humanitarian aid to the Soviet Union in the form of rescue equipment, search teams and medical supplies. One of the international humanitarian organisations that had its own stake in helping the victims of the earthquake was the Dutch organisation Pax Kinderhulp.

Pax Kinderhulp - A Chance for a Brighter Future for Children

What can we do to make the children that are victims of the earthquake happy again? How can we make these children, who have lost their parents, family members and homes, feel hopeful again and motivate them for a brighter future? Pax Kinderhulp had and still has the best answer to it; a 4 week arranged vacation in The Netherlands with Dutch families! For almost one month the orphaned or devastated children stayed at the homes of Dutch families getting pampered with new clothes, good food and a positive atmosphere. The effects of the motivational and refreshing vacation were surprisingly huge. Many of the children who came back to their reality incorporated the new values and norms they had observed in their Dutch families. A more positive outlook to the future and the widening of their mental horizons were the main changes seen in the children. Aftermath stories of children who took up a hobby or started to focus on education after the vacation are a great proof that the efforts of Pax Kinderhulp are not in vain. Even adorable stories were heard, such as when one of the Armenian children asked her mother to greet her father with a kiss when coming home from work, a habit she had observed at the Dutch family in the Netherlands. After all, a simple vacation can inspire and motivate people who are just tired of routine or work. Why shouldn't it give a new start of life to children who have suffered so much?

Vacation to the Netherlands vs Vacation to Armenia

27 years have passed since the earthquake, but Pax Kinderhulp still continues to work with Armenian children. The victims of the earthquake are all adults now. Happily other Armenian children from extremely poor families or orphanages from different regions in Armenia can take part in the motivational vacations to the Netherlands. Each year Pax Kinderhulp takes around 60 Armenian children on vacation for 3-4 weeks. During these weeks they make excursions to the Zoo, aqua park and other facilities of entertainment, participate in different workshops and of course get love and attention from the families they are staying at. Sometimes a deep connection is established between the children and the host families. The mutual affection goes sometimes so deep that the Dutch families decide to take a vacation to Armenia in order to see their Armenian children again! Ravina Tours has been privileged to guide many of the Dutch families to their Armenian children here in Armenia and to see how emotional the encounters can be. This time it is the host parents who get the chance to see how the children they have taken care of for one month are living and doing. During their stay in Armenia, the host families get also to see the natural and cultural wonders of the country. How extraordinary it may sound, it's a fact that Pax Kinderhulp is also helping with the development of tourism in Armenia! 

Pax Kinderhulp is a Dutch charity organisation that cares about the fate of children in other countries who live in difficult circumstances. Underprivileged children mainly from European countries where war, violence, poverty, injustice or (natural) disaster have worsened living conditions are offered a holiday.Through its objectives and activities Pax Kinderhulp hopes to contribute to peace, freedom and solidarity. The children are staying with families during their vacation in the NetherlandsPax Kinderhulp offers these children the opportunity to be just childThus, it hopes to contribute to their belief in a better future. Do you also want to donate or become a host family? Check their website at or write them an e-mail at Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. . Follow their recent activities on their Facebook page

Host families can contact us for an organized trip to the Armenian children and a general tour in Armenia. See a reference of Ravina Tours by Pax Kinderhulp here:


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